We offer one Practice4Free@Camera spot in most of our Classes@School to Yogis who agree to practice in front of our camera & sign a release form stating that we may use the camera recording in our live- and flex-stream and for

The below schedule/booking form is only meant for reserving and organizing the spots for the free practice in front of the camera. For the language, type and teacher of the class, please check our main Class@School schedule (in Xberg).


This is NOT a free trial class! It is also not suitable for unexperienced/new yogis. Rather, signing up for a Practice4Free@Camera spot comes with the following binding commitments and requirements:

Requirement for free participation:

  • You need to be able and willing and feel comfortable to practice the entire class in front of our live-stream camera and sign a release form before the beginning of the class

  • We ask that you have a regular practice within our Jivamukti Yoga lineage and/or here at Three Boons Yoga Berlin (preferably already with the teacher of the class you are booking for)

  • Please bring your own yoga mat & arrive at the studio at least 10 minutes before the beginning of the class

  • in case of questions please write to:

Free participation means:

  • You do not have to pay for the class when you practice in front of the camera (this is in exchange for your above commitments)

  • If you have a flat-rate contract with us, we will reduce your your monthly contract fee of the following membership month by 11 EUR for each Practice4Free@Camera class you take (if you do more than one, your monthly fee can only go as low as zero for every month)

  • If you currently have a monthly unlimited pass with us, we will extend it by 2 days for any Practice4Free@Camera class you did.

  • We reserve the right to cancel your free class booking as we see fit. If we cancel your class booking less than 12hrs before the class, you may still practice for free but we will assign you a spot outside of the focus of the camera

This is a BINDING reservation, meaning we rely on you arriving for class on time (meaning at last 10mins before the class starts)

  • please register only for camera slots when you are 99.99% sure that you will be able to come

  • cancellations, especially short-term ones or, even worse, no-shows for our camera spots unfortunately cause unnecessary extra effort and stress to our team, because we have to find someone else for the camera spot last minute, which is not always possible. They are also a bummer, as another person has been deprived of the opportunity to book the always quite popular spot in front of the camera.

  • Therefore, when calculating your contract fee for the following month, we will

    • count one practice in front of the camera less as a 11 EUR deductions for every late-cancellation (less than 12 hours before the class starts).

    • count two practices in front of the camera less as a 11 EUR deductions for every no-show (if you do not show up for the class and also did not cancel)

    • cancellations need to be done by you yourself personally ASAP through our booking system so the spot becomes available for booking by another student, cancellations made by other means (only writing an email or calling in the studio will automatically be logged in as a a late-cancellation regardless of the time they are made at)

Our MindBody Booking Tool

If you have been at JYB/3YB before, please DO NOT REGISTER AS A NEW CLIENT (NO, NO, NO: “NEUES PROFIL ERSTELLEN”), but instead click on NEUES PASSWORD ERSTELLEN and enter your email address and you will be sent a password reset link.

Before using our online booking tools, please make sure to read our general terms (AGBs), cancellation policy and our Widerrufsbelehrung (instructions on your rights of revocation) by clicking here and before you book.

PRACTICE4FREE@CAMERA SPOTS IN KREUZBERG (Check separate pages for Mitte and CBurg)

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Some more things to keep in mind:

  • Mat rentals ONLY in emergencies: 3€

  • AGAIN: Please bring your own mat: Rental mats have to be disinfected and washed at 90° for 2 hours plus dried for another 3 hours which is a lot of work and load on the environment.