Rob Cigolini

Rob was first introduced to yoga at the Jivamukti yoga studio in Sydney, initially taking restorative classes to balance out the thousands of kilometres he was covering on his bicycle each month as an endurance cyclist and cycling teacher. After being hit by a car while cycling in Colorado, Rob turned to yoga as part of his rehabilitation process and experienced the power of the practice to transform, both physically and philosophically. With the desire to prioritise and centre yogic and meditative practice in his life, Rob left behind Australia, an established career in cycling and an incomplete PhD in anarchist philosophy, and moved to Berlin in 2018. He has been a constant presence in the Three Boons Yoga Berlin studio ever since.

For Rob yoga is a radical activity, confronting us with fundamental questions about who we are, what we value and how we are to live our lives, but also providing us with the tools, capacity and clarity to answer those questions for ourselves. Om bolo shri satguru bhagavan ki.

Rob completed his initial 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Rocky Heron at YogaCircle Berlin, has pursued mindfulness and compassion-based meditation training with Phoebe Kiddo at The Dream Haus and has completed the 630+hour Three Boons Mentoring Program under the guidance of Filiz Avunduk and Tara Sullivan.



Maria-ines Chevallier


Pauline Stoehr